Saturday, January 13, 2007

Reflections from watching too much of FRIENDS

1. Ross is a mean mean mean guy. He whines, he can't stand a difference of opinion and omigosh he is such a BORE! I mean yeah well he was cute but then again the personality is a just a turnoff! Boo to the Dinosaurs!

2. Most of Chandler's jokes are actually funny and yes i would definitely date the guy he is cute and has a wicked sense of humor.

3.if i had to pick between Monica and Ross, i'd pick Monica - she's a control freak yes but atleast she doesn't BORE people.

4. Never lie to your friends ..... and these guys do it all the time, i mean if you don't like something, there's a nice polite way to say it but these guys lie . And the reason why you shouldn't lie to your friends is becausea) they will know you're lyingb) you have to wear blue lipstick and say ' i'm a pretty girl' which is ok for a girl (the latter part, the blue lipstick is a strict no no ) but if you're a guy, well then that makes you Chandler!

5. Joey Tribbiani can EAT and if you look beyond the pretty face, you'll realize that he's got a FAT ASS! But i'd still fall for the 'Hey How're you doin!'

6. I'm the biggest fool on earth right now coz
a) i watched some 60 odd episodes of friends in the past few days
b) i'm actually writing about stuff that doesn't matter anyways since the series ended like 2 years back. omigosh, i'm 'G'ROSS!

7. I hate Brad Pitt for breaking up with Jen. Period.

8. Phoebe's songs actually make sense (That could also be because i'm high on all the antibiotics pumped into me !)

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