Wednesday, November 21, 2012


No - I don't care how cut and dried you are, or seem to be and how you don't smile or grin or heaven forbid, laugh! I don't care about the stiff upper lip you carry and the choke-hold on emotions, for all the masks you wear, there HAS to be a melody that you hum when you're all by yourself, stripped bare of the paint, devoid of the pretense of sanity, normalcy, of reality. For music does that to you, to everyone - it reaches within, past all these layers we wear these walls we build these chains we wear like armor against the world. Beyond each defense against emotion that we contrive and create there is always a melody that touches chords within your song that makes you ......hum.

Monday, November 05, 2012

2012 - Here and gone!!!


I mean really. Gosh!

I looked at the blog and realized that there is nothing whatsoever to reflect 2012 in the 'annals of my online history' - cheesy I know but that's how I think of it sometimes. And if you see the frequency and timelines, well, we all know I don't think of it that often. Which is a li'l sad because for someone who used to be an inveterate journal keeper, this was supposed to be my online journal. Then again, to put a positive spin on it, I'd like to think that Life happens and for me, it's been happening to the extent that I don't have the time to sit and think, much less record and write.

Except now.

So - expect more. From me, the blog and what yet remains of 2012 ;-).

Much love (for those who still check this page every now and then)
