2. Post pedicure wait for the damn paint to dry off before you can slip your toes into your slippers and finally leave for home.
3. Soon to be ex- husbands who refuse to do the decent thing and grant you your freedom!
4. Waiting for the phone to ring.
5. Kid sisters who call and eat your brains about their birthday gifts (due from last year) when you're anyways irritated (see Irritant no. 3 above).
6. Wearing white and always (always - without fail always) spilling your food.
7. Crying out of sheer frustration at not being able to sock someone in the eye!
8. All of the above happening on the same day.
"..Kid sisters who call and eat your brains about their birthday gifts (due from last year) when you're anyways irritated .."
I second that !
Touche' Bhaiya... very well ... however, the fact remains that my gifts are still due!!!
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