Saturday, September 26, 2009

At home this weekend...

After a long time actually s had quite forgotten what a mad rush it would be at the Volvo counter. Well, did get the ticket eventually but stood in line for almost 2 hrs - not helped by the fact that I had the proverbial flushed cheeks and fevered brow !
Had some interesting company on the way - discussed philisophy, religion and music apart from cursing the rude bastard sitting in front who refused to co-operate with reducing the recline angle on his chair - yeah I know those seats are meant to be reclined but seriously dude - have a care for the poor person sitting behind!
But really the journey was quite fun - Saahil , if you're reading this - don't worry you'll always be my favourite travel companion to Chandigarh and really I did miss you a bit yesterday - actually more because I knew you'd pitch in your own fight with the guy sitting in front.
So, am home now - Mom's happy and so's Sim though she seems to be giving me a bit of a cold shoulder. Poor kid looks haunted these days - she's either in tuition classes or furiously into her books at her desk - so a fight with me can't have helped the last week along. Methinks I have some serious making up to do - the Goa presents seem to have thawed her a bit but a lot remains to be done . Yeah - I admit I'm scaed of my own kid sister who may be almost a decade younger but is taller, beefier and can throw punches far harder than me - and yes, her anger is worse , way worse than mine!
More on this later :)

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