And I should be asleep ! After all , with the hours I keep it's pretty late in the day for me. but I can't sleep . I'm haunted by something a friend said to me today - to wit - 'So here I keep dipping my cup of moronic hopefulness into my bucket and it keeps turning up stone dry' .
That one statement sums up so many moments - moments of despair, of having your heart walked on , of being thrown down every time you tried to stand, of twisted ankles when you wanted to run, of watching dreams shatter in a span of moments, of gasping for breath, of not knowing where you were and where you will end up, of dipping that damned cup over and over again, wishing and hoping and waiting...
I'm off to bed - tomorrow's another day I shall dip that cup yet again. And so will my friend.
One of these days I'll just fling the damn thing against the wall and laugh while it shatters into a million little pieces. I'll fling my friend's cup too. And then, I'll up-end both our buckets !!!
What Fun ;)
2 comments: Cup is for MY throwing satisfaction only.....I've enough angst against it for comming up bloody dry as dinosaur bones!!!
I wish we had some magic glue like Chinky (my namesake?) the pixie! I'd stick that rotten cup together again....and break it...yet again! :-) u realise how totally Moronic i sound when i say that?! I know i'm being moronically hopeful....yet i continue a moron! Lols.
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