Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Singles' Rule

This one has been awhile in the making now ....... it's crafted itself out of experiences - in retail therapy, spa visits, eating out, dancing out, making out, just living actually . It's pretty much written itself from all the gawks, the stares, the open mouthed jaw dropping looks of astonishment and pretty much whatever facial expressions/ body language the world could throw as those of us who're called 'The Singles' as we go about on our retail therapy, spa visits, eating out, dancing out, making out and just living our lives - to the fullest .

Really - living it to the fullest...

1. When we say we're living our lives to the FULLEST, we REALLY MEAN IT : take it as a fact. And not as if we were trying to explain or justify or cover up in some way for being single. Because we really aren't - we're actually too busy enjoying our lives to the hilt to really try and cover up for a 'lack' that we don't even feel. Which brings us to-

2. We're single by choice - let's look at the logic on this one first. Given the population that this world has, do you really think most of us couldn't pair up / be paired up with if we'd wanted to??? The thing is, we're so busy with Point No. 1. above, we wouldn't want to just settle for anything that walks , talks and can 'rise to the occasion' on occasion. We'd want to give up being single only if we really think we've met someone we like enough to want to transition from all the 'singles fun' to all the 'paired up fun' (I'm sure that world exists too - seriously). We're willing to trade up - but not trade off.

3. We have friends and families - who care about us and who we care about deeply. We hang out with them all the time , except when we'd just like some alone time by ourselves. We're always in the thick of things social and familial, we love to go over to the extended clan's house every now and then for home cooked meals and family banter, we also spend time ripping apart/ defending (depending on where our mood's at) our best buddies to their home folks while eating home cooked food at their houses. Family time is not the exclusive domain of couples/ paired ups.

4. Our friends are a part of our lives - but our entire life doesn't revolve around them . And this one cuts both ways. Like all animals, we herd together - at parties and malls and brunches and movies etc... We love each other, we'll always be there for each other but - we have our own separate lives too. So the next time you look at one of us and think our choice of lifestyle has anything to do with wanting to be with our friends 24/7 - think again. Which brings me to -

5. We cherish our alone time - days spent lazing around the house doing nothing, jogging to music in the mornings, catching winter sunlight on the terrace with coffee and a good book - just being ourselves by ourselves. We simply love it. And when the socializing gets too much, we crave our alone time enough to spend entire weekends by ourselves as well as spending time on -

6. Vacations and eat outs and shopping sprees and watching movies - all of this doesn't necessarily have to be a shared experience all the time. We get hungry - and that doesn't mean we have to rely on takeout or cook our own meal - we're very well able and entitled to a table for one at the nearest pizzeria/fine dine. Repeat after me - Dining out is not the exclusive domain of pairs/groups, Vacationing is not the exclusive domain of pairs/groups, Retail Therapy works equally well when you're indulging in it all by yourself and watching a good movie by oneself doesn't mean we're losers who no-one wants to watch a movie with.

7. We're responsible adults - sure we date around, have impromptu sleepovers, get a li'l high and more than a li'l naughty every now and then but then the alarm clock rings and like everyone else who has a job, we hit the shower and get to work. We exchange glances and winks with random strangers at a bar - but only when we know we have solid backup to rely on in case the sitch gets too hot to handle. When the day's been rough, we catch up with the 'gang' over a drink or coffee (depending on what tomorrow's supposed to look like), we hook up with people we like and who like us back enough to hook up with us - but we keep our priorities straight and we play it safe. Translated - not all of us are junked up alcoholics having random sex with random strangers every night who then wake up by the roadside/ in said random strangers' beds and do the walk of shame...

8. We don't hate you or envy you or yearn for your way of life - sure, we get lonely sometimes but that doesn't make us want to give up what we have for the next best offer of couple-dom that comes along. As mentioned earlier, we won't just settle, when the time comes - we'll make an informed decision so that we don't look back and regret the transition from some of the best days of our lives to something not quite as exciting. We think our 'couple friends' rock - we're happy that they're happy and if not, we try and help them get there. Negativity of any kind is not an option - we're too busy living this life before we move on to another phase to envy/hate/yearn.

Those were the '8' that crafted themselves - readers are welcome to post more of their own.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Too much "Sex and the City"? :)